Printing Machines Works | Printing Technology - Information Technology

Printing Machines Works | Printing Technology

how printing machines works
Printers we've definitely use them at home and we've probably also used it at say a work or school location you may have noticed that if you've used princess in those two different places well the printers look and function very differently we're going to do today is we're going to actually dive into several different prints technologies to try and understand how they work and how they're different printer technology and if you have a printer at home it's probably going to be an inkjet printer once we're done with that we'll move on to talk about laser printers which of course is the second most common often found in workplaces to wrap everything up we'll move on to talk about thermal printers as well as dot matrix printers which are a little bit more historical you know a little bit less common in our lives but at the same time are interesting pieces of technology that bear looking at so yeah without any further ado let's jump into our very first technology and that is the inkjet so inkjet printers wealth SS name implies prince with a Jets of liquid ink the idea is a paper is fed under a print cartridge the cartridge then actually deposits ink onto the paper and yeah basically the cartridge moves along a real continuing to deposit ink from left to right in order to go down to the next line the paper is fed up that is very simplified principle of how an inkjet printer actually works for an inkjet printer to print in color basically colored and gets used in fact four different colors are used namely cyan magenta yellow and black often abbreviated to CMYK the way in which the colors actually mix together it's called the subtractive color model and the idea is well the more colors you mix together the darker the result is so in fact this right here is your see your M and your white cyan magenta and yellow when combined this actually gives us the primaries we are familiar with and when we put them all together we get pure black applause that doesn't happen nearly as well when we are using you know an actual printer if you were to mix the cyan magenta and yellow colors what you end up getting is sort of a darkish dirty brownish color instead of black that's why an additional black color is used this gives you you know a pure a nicer black color and as an added bonus you also save on ink

how printing machines works
because you don't have to mix three different colors together just to get black color now your inkjet printer cannot actually Prince a lighter color it can really only either deposit a dot of ink or not deposit a dot of ink therefore to create a notion of sheet we're going to actually have to change up the density of the dots within a particular area the more dots you put close together the darker it appears whereas if you're actually have the dots far apart you get a much lighter color but these aren't the interesting things about an inkjet printer what's more interesting is how do you actually get the ink to come out of a cartridge you could have to exert some kind of pressure inside the cartridge to push that ink out and don't forget that cartridges are meant to be used and then disposed of so you don't want to actually build some intricate mechanism inside that gets thrown away each time turns out that's you very interesting solutions to this problem one method is to actually use heat a heating element actually causes the heat to vaporize that creates a huge increased pressure within the print cartridge itself and that is what actually forces a drop of ink to come out of the cartridge and then the method is to use a piezoelectric component when incurrence is actually applied to that components well it deforms and it actually creates a pressure that similarly pushes out a drop of ink some pros and cons of inkjet well in jet printers can be extremely cheap in fact many inkjet printers can even be cheaper than a hundred dollars depending on what you buy you can get pretty good quality but unfortunately inkjet does have its fair share of shortcomings in particular the cartridges extremely expensive

you know you've heard of printer ink being compared to blood printing it slow and also not really waterproof water can cause printer ink to run and smudge and that was in jets which is probably the print technology you have at home let's now switch gears to talk about the one you probably have at school or in the office believes a printer laser printers are far more interesting than their counterparts unlike in jets laser printers actually use what is known as toner which is actually powdered color pigment what's even more interesting is the way it actually prints this by static charge let's take a look at how this works first we have a rotating drum this drum is charged with static electricity then and this is where the laser comes in you shine a laser on the drum to actually remove some of the charge in certain areas as the drum continues to rotate the laser continues to shine at different parts of the drum and true selective removal of charges actually projects the entire image of whatever it is you want to print onto the surface of the drum itself when this process is done the drum is actually brought near to powder toner this toner is also given the same charge now what happens here is that only the areas that have their charges removed by the laser will actually pick up the toner since all the other areas have the same charge there will be a repulsive effect those areas will not pick up any toner so this drum with the toner step to it is now brought near to a sheet of paper or we can then do is to
how printing machines works
put the opposite charge underneath the paper and that will cause all the toner particles to get attracted onto the paper itself of course when dan yet since the toner is still in its powdered form we also have to expose the paper to a source of heat this process is called fusing the toner actually melts onto the surface of the paper this incidentally explains why Prince coming out from a laser printer actually feels quite wop and it prints out actually looks a little glossy laser printers are capable of printing in color usually they're for drums that do the process we've just seen for each Channel see my K the two ways to finish this off either you can take turns to deposit the toner from each drum onto the paper or you can also actually deposit them directly onto a temporary surface which then actually deposits all the toner onto the paper itself so I have two strategies they both work to give you color laser print the pros and cons of using a laser printer I as follows a lease and printer can print extremely quickly however toner well it's a powder so if you spill it that's kind of a problem not only is it hard to clean up since they have very fine particles you have to actually take precautions to not breathe it in because of course that could pose a health risk and that was laser printing now kisses you even though we always talk about you know laser princess as just a printer on its own really this technology is often a component in a much larger device for example a photocopy machine you know in order for it to actually produce the results needs to actually use some kind of printing technology to do it and usually the technology used is laser printing many office princess try to sort of follow the same model by including some kind of scanning capability and that is in fact why you will often find some kind of scanning ability mixed in on the same device that also has a printer usually a laser printer now let's move on to thermal printing using heats to print this one is quite interesting since you're actually just using heat to print what is special here is not the printer itself but the people that is be used a specific kind of paper called thermal paper needs to be used in a thermal printer the idea is this on the surface of the thermal paper they're basically multiple different substances which are sort of mixed in well among each other the print head is essentially just a heating element which well heats these substances on a surface of the paper the heat will cause these two types of substances to melt and when they're in their liquid form they can interact with each other to create a dark spot that's essentially how thermal printing works as your print head moves along the surface of the paper
printing machines works
selectively heating certain areas you actually create your pattern of dark and light spots thus creating your image now thermal printing isn't all that common today you know especially in homes but there are some notable applications namely in receives as well as the fabled Game Boy printer now all this may seem a little bit counterintuitive color thermal printers do actually exist though this requires you to sort of jump through some hoops one notable method actually uses multiple layers which can melt at different temperature levels what you see here is a cross section of the paper so imagine I sort of slice the paper and we're looking at this slice the edge as the print head actually comes by if it applies high heat it will actually cause only one particular color to show up if we sort of reduce it to medium heat then that will cause a different color to show up and again for low heat if we sort of mix and match different combinations of heat levels at the same spot we can then actually create well all the different colors by using a combination of different heat levels you can essentially produce a color image using a special paper like this here are some pros and cons of thermal printing first and foremost there is no issue of running out of ink

Since you're not using ink or toner of any sort since you don't have to actually swap out an ink cartridge well that needs to be less changeable parts and as a result there is surface area for wear and tear you can also get reasonably fast prints from a thermal printer some disadvantages is that thermal prints tend to fade after some time and you have to sort of protect them from being heated otherwise of course the same reaction is going to occur and you're going to destroy your print so that was thermal printing let's now go even further back in time to take a look at a technology that is barely used these days namely dot matrix printing now the design of a dot matrix printer is very similar to that of a typewriter and we'll see why that is in a minute a dot matrix printer is also quite similar to an inkjet in a sense then well the paper feeds in the same way and hit moves in the same way as well the idea is you have a prince head and in front of it is an inked ribbit when you want a dot on a paper essentially what the print hit does is it fires a little pin forward and as a result actually presses the ribbon against your paper since the ribbon has ink on it well that is actually going to deposit some ink onto the surface of the paper just like inkjet the print head moves left and right the paper gets fed upwards and as a result well you get your prints some advantages and disadvantages is that dot matrix printers are very cheap you can even sort of just leave them there and they won't dry out and I've course back in the day when people use carbon paper to produce what is known as carbon copies well you can actually use a dot matrix printer to produce a carbon copy for a very simple reason that a dot matrix printer prints by producing and impacts on a paper of course one disadvantage is that dot matrix printers are slower than noisy and for those that prints in color the quality isn't great and there you go that was for printing technologies you know starting from the most common today to those that are you know more historical in nature hopefully...

Rechargeable Battery | What is Rechargeable Battery - Information Technology

Rechargeable Battery, What is Rechargeable Battery

How Rechargeable Batteries Works
Rechargeable batteries a key component that can be found in many parts of all electronic devices now here's a view we sort of have some kind of an idea of you know what's the best way to take care of a battery but when it comes down to a lot of advice that we hear these days well some of it is outdated some of it is just plain wrong sometimes a lot of this knowledge may even be contradictory and then of course isn't good for anyone that's extremely confusing and how do we know what is right well all we're gonna do today is I'm gonna actually attempt to you know address some of these common misconceptions that I've been hearing a lot as well I'll of course try to find as many sources as I possibly can plus my own experience so hopefully well this will be a credible attempt at setting the straight rechargeable batteries are not all me to see even though they may all look the same in fact the key technology that drives them has changed over the past 10 to 15 years you see a lot of the battery advice that we hear today that I out dates it actually came from the days where we actually used nickel metal hydride batteries now if you actually took a chargeable battery and sort of spun it around you might see these words n i M H this tells us that the chemical inside the battery is in fact nickel metal hydride the thing is today most of the batteries we use a lithium ion batteries and that is indicated by the LI dash I on symbol on a battery itself these are obviously two completely different chemical compositions and of course that is why that works the way you actually use them properly a completely different nickel-base batteries enrich their actually two kinds not just one the other being nickel cadmium these were most popular around the 90s and the early 2000s now they haven't been completely eliminated these days but they are more commonly seen in areas like car batteries for electronic devices we've moved on to lithium based methods which could be lithium ion or lithium polymer for a very quick comparison of these two technologies well nickel-based batteries are actually cheaper and as somewhat more durable however on the flip side lithium
How Rechargeable Batteries Works
base batteries a lighter charge faster and most importantly a fall easier to use and that is why we can actually debunk some of these sort of old myths that still surround batteries today let's take a look at some of these starting from number one we should keep batteries fully charged all the time now I admit this isn't so much of a myth as just something we feel like yo is something we should do you know it makes sense to have a battery as full as possible but as it turns out batteries actually deteriorate the fastest when they're fully charged in an ideal case you actually want to star batteries at around half charge or so because that is what has been shown to actually maximize the life span of the battery you also want to avoid actually starring a battery app you know completely depleted charges because well for lithium batteries if you do actually let it run all the way down well that's it you can't actually recover it you can actually recharge it back luckily a lot of the times when our electronic devices actually shut off for low battery that doesn't mean the battery is completely depleted there is still a little bit of juice left so you don't have to worry about the battery being dead from that point on but of course you should

Actually charge it as soon as you can so that it doesn't actually fall into that state of permanent damage misconception number 2 we should drain batteries fully before I usually recharging them now this particular myth comes directly from the nickel battery days you see nickel batteries actually face that issue called the memory effects the memory effects is a phenomena in which if you actually discharge the battery to you know some kind of consistent but not complete this charge what's going to happen is the remaining amount of trash in a battery sort of disappears your battery sort of remembers where it was last discharged to and that sort of becomes the new capacity of the battery this does not happen to live your batteries and in fact in many cases for nickel batteries what some may consider the memory effect isn't really permanent either for lithium batteries of today you do not have to and in fact should not be completely discharging the battery before charging it back up the reason for this is vikas well this is called a deep cycle and deep cycles actually tend to hurt the battery more than if you sort of let it deplete a little and topped it back up this sort of goes back to our previous point where you know we talked about keeping a battery at about half charge well this is sort of doing the see you want it around half charge and topping it back up and that works the best for your battery in the long run there is only one disadvantage to this method and that is the possibility of you know confusing the calibration of the battery in a long run calibration is the process that you know a device actually needs to do to find out how much juice is actually left in your battery fully this Jing and then recharging your battery sort of shows your device wet is zero and one hundred percent points up and that will allow it to figure out you know where all the in between points will like if you shallow discharge a battery enough times the previous calibration might get thrown off which is why one possible thing you could do is you could do a deep discharge of your battery save once a month doing it more often than that really does more harm than good so don't bother all right let's move on to misconception number three and that is when you actually buy a device its first charge should happen over a long time this is another one of those myths that have carried over from the nickel battery type in this day and age with lithium batteries this is no longer a must in fact a lot of the time you'll find that you know when you buy a new device if it has to live your battery it's probably about fifty percent full and as we now know that is the
How Rechargeable Batteries Works
optimal way to actually you know leave a battery in storage for new devices you can in fact start using it right away though of course if you do want to give it a full charge you may do so but the moment you've reached full charge well that's good enough you don't actually have to leave it on the charger for more time because that's not actually helping anything the only drawback you have to look out for is of course the issue of keeping a battery fully charged misconception number four batteries should not be left on a charger for long periods because that will over charge the battery now this is actually one of those that are kind of on the line well not the overcharging part because overcharging is no longer an issue with lithium batteries in fact even in a nickel battery days this wasn't so huge of an issue you see unless all the charger does is it takes power and just tries to feed it to the battery constantly there is really no risk of overcharging a battery more charges nowadays actually know when to you know shut off the charging when the battery is full and as a result overcharging isn't an issue however you may still want to take note of leaving your battery in the charger for an extended period of time for one battery charges especially if they are actually connected to a device that is in use well they tend to generate quite a bit of heat heat doesn't play well with batteries that causes them to deteriorate faster and that is why if you say have a laptop that you're using with the power in all the time what some people do is they take out the battery by keeping it away from the heat and of course from the constant charging up to a hundred percent you can actually extend its life by a little

These are the two issues you want to look out for now some laptops actually have some built-in capability to prevent this from happening what it does is it allows the battery to charge all the way up to one hundred percent and basically doesn't top up the charge until it falls below say sixty percent this is great because of course these are shallow discharges as we know that's good for a battery so yeah if you have that capability built into your computer take advantage of it it's not too hard to do it yourself when your battery actually hits one hundred percent take it off the charger and don't plug it back in until it's fallen to about half capacity misconception number five always use the charges produced by the manufacturer of your product No yes you many sauces actually say this is completely untrue but I do believe it is slightly modern once than that kisses you generally it is untrue for a very simple reason that this is just a marketing thing to lock you into the ecosystem now in some cases some manufacturers do actually lock you in by actually giving you some proprietary charger or sub proprietary cable in such cases manufacturers may introduce some kind of electronics into either the charger or the cable itself preventing you from actually using something produced by a third party of course that sucks if your manufacturer has done that to you then unfortunately you have no choice however in other cases there is one other consideration you need to make buying a third PI charger is ok but buying a cheap knockoff charger is not and that is for a safety reason cheap no brand charges may be produced in places where you know safety guidelines are not being observed and that of course makes it dangerous for you as the end user to actually be using it if you want to buy a third-party charger that's completely okay but look for a reputable brand new look for one that has you know sufficient reviews and yeah stay safe basically that's it that's all the risk...

How Display Works | Display Technologies What is Display - Information Technology

How display works Display technologies

what is display
Now we often hear terms like IPS LCD terms like LED thrown around in association with screens and monitors but what do these terms actually mean what are the underlying technologies behind all these complex on in terms well today we're gonna take a look at just a small number of these display technologies to try and better understand how they work you're watching another random Wednesday episode on zero six one two TV hello and welcome to another random Wednesday episode today we're going to be taking a look at five different display technologies what we'll do is we'll try to understand you know how they actually work and we'll try to talk about something special about each one of them we're gonna start with the more historical of the display technologies and we'll sort of work our way forward towards the future so without further ado let's jump into our very first display technology first and foremost we have key to reduce CRTs you know those those very huge monitors will get you better back CRTs are made up of two key components one or more electron guns at the back as well as a phosphorescent screen in front here's how it works the way a CRT works is relatively simple the electron gun actually fires an electron forwards towards the street the electron actually passes through a set of magnets and these magnets can actually deflect the particle so that it can hit different positions on the screen by varying the magnetic field you can actually cost the stream of electrons to scan the entire screen thus drawing your image to draw a color image basically multiple electron guns are used at slightly offset positions thanks to the fact that they're at somewhat offset positions these electrons actually hit the screen at slightly different angles in order to have each one of these electrons hit their respective color a mask essentially present to block of electrons coming in from the wrong angle this actually allows you to pick and choose which electron corresponds to which color and that's how you actually draw out a color image here's something special about CRTs since electrons are actually deflected by a magnetic field well you can actually cause a CRT to behave erratically if you would actually change or add to that field in fact to do this you just need to hold a reasonably strong magnet up to the front or the sides of a CRT TV and you'll actually cause the colors to go all weird what's even worse is if you actually have a magnet that is
what is display
reasonably strong or you know you hold it up long enough you could actually end up magnetizing areas inside of the screen and that of course creates a permanent magnetic field that deflects all electrons the wrong way what that means is you could end up with four yet splotches of color even if you actually you know bring that magnet somewhere else this is why some computer monitors actually have a degauss option the whole idea is well when you actually you know select the degauss option it tries to wipe out any lingering magnetic fields to fix this problem let's move on to our second of somewhat historical display technologies this is called DLP also known as digital light processing now this one is very interesting it tends to be used in projection systems the most basically you have a chip and the chip actually controls an array of micro mirrors you have a separate light sauce and what happens is the chip can actually sort of move the mirrors to reflect the light from the light source out towards a lens or back into the body of the projector itself onto a heat sink as you can imagine this mechanism is how individual pixels I actually switched on or off just something special about DLP they're actually some very interesting caveats as to how it actually works as you can imagine well the light sources at one intensity so if you actually want to show up pixal with you know sort of a middle ground intensity what happens is the mirrors I actually toggle back and forth very quickly the time in which it is actually reflecting light versus the time in which it is not is how you actually create different intensities of brightness in addition this system also doesn't actually display color in order for it to properly display color the easiest way is to use a color wheel and that basically filters the color of the light so as you can imagine what is happening is the color wheel will rotate to say red and well the DLP chip itself basically reflects lights in the red Channel they we switch very quickly degree you know both in terms of the color wheel as well as the image that is displayed by the DLP chip and once again for blue so in fact the red green and blue channels are actually being delivered at different times that is why if you are actually you know with your hand really quickly in front of a DLP projector you will see a very interesting multicolored shadow this happens because well your hand is moving very quickly and it's actually shadowing the red green and blue channels at different points in time so you end up seeing shadows that are cast by the different channels the third display technology you will be looking at today is LCD all liquid crystal display now unfortunately to explain how this works we need to go into a little bit of physics so do bear with me we're gonna actually try to understand the concepts of polarization okay so here's the deal light is actually an electromagnetic wave what this means is is actually an electric field and a magnetic few oxidizing and right angles however for the purpose of this explanation just imagine it to be a single wave we're going to be talking about the direction of the wave and that actually comes from the direction of the electric field so yeah for the sake of simplicity let's just imagine it is one wave as mentioned this wave when it's propagating forward can actually be oriented in any direction for most light sources what you actually get is light coming out in all different polarizations however what we
display technology
can do is we can use a polarizing filter to filter out waves with certain polarizations this actually leads to an interesting effects which directly contributes to how an LCD actually works here's a view let's say we hold up a polarizing filter to a source of light let's just say that the direction of this filter is vertical what the species will filter out all directions of waves except those in a vertical direction then we introduce another polarizing filter except this one is oriented in the horizontal direction because of its orientation it blocks out any lights that is vertically polarized at the same time since it has no horizontally polarized light to work with we end up with no light at all by just holding up these two polarizing filters at perpendicular directions to each other we actually end up blocking out all light however more interestingly if we were to actually rotates with the front polarizer slowly until it lines up with the polarizer at the back we are actually allowing more and more light to come true and that is in fact how we use polarisers to control light intensity with this in mind we can actually appreciate how LCD actually works first we start off with two perpendicular polarizing filters so just like what we've explained earlier this piece that normally lights passing through is completely blocked then comes the star of the show al liquid crystal we stick a little bit of it in between the two layers of polarizing filters and this actually creates a very interesting effect making it a the type of liquid crystal used is called twisted nematic or t and for short the idea is this crystal has a twisted structure and as a result actually rotates the polarization of the light such that the polarization actually becomes correct for the front panel and as a result light goes right through however when we actually apply a current to the crystal and actually untwist and as a result it no longer rotates the lights such that it can pass through the front polarizer and as such the area appears dark that is in fact how a liquid crystal display works by applying current to selected areas of liquid crystal what we end up doing is we end up blocking out some amount of light and as a result we can use that to draw an image so what's special about LCDs is that they actually cannot generate light all they do is manipulate existing light that is why for simpler devices like say calculators we have an LCD screen and behind it we actually have a reflective panel this panel is able to you know collect light from the surroundings and bounce it back out the LCD panel then actually you know selectively blocks out some area of the light thus acting as a display for more complex displays you know in cases where we actually want a display to be emissive what we'll have to do is to actually install a backlight behind the screen itself that is in fact how a lot of the monitors these days actually work of course a combination of these two can be used as well and one very common example of this as in digital watches most of the time you can actually read you know the time of a watch because of the reflective screen at the back however if you're in the dark press a button and a back light comes on so yeah that's your combination of the two technologies you may also have heard of the term IPs used in conjunction with you know LCD screens IPS is just a different approach in actually building the liquid crystal parts of the screen it is in fact just an alternative to the twisted nematic liquid crystals because of the way it actually you know positions some of its in it what we end up with is a better viewing angle as well as better color reproduction we move on once again to LED now LED stands for light emitting diodes and it's in fact well some way to generate light using a semiconductor now unfortunately it is going to be quite difficult to explain how an LED actually works while we are about to see extremely simplified if you're interested to find out more I highly encourage you do go and actually read up on the subject
what is display
because that's a lot more of this than meets the eye so use a view everything is made up of atoms atoms have a nucleus at the center which is positive and there are a bunch of electrons actually orbiting the outside these electrons are negative and they sort of cancel out or balance out be positive charge from the nucleus and so for the vast majority of atoms you find in the real world there is this equilibrium and therefore everything is good in a semiconductor however we can actually sort of disturb this equilibrium this allows us to create what is known as p-type and n-type semiconductors you can imagine a p-type semiconductor as positive because some of the electrons have been removed on the other hand and n-type can be considered negative because more electrons have actually been added to that for an LED what we do is we actually stick a p-type and n-type semiconductor right next to each other creating what is known as a PN Junction when you actually apply a current to a PN Junction you are sort of pushing the excess electrons on the N side towards the P side and this is where well your semiconductor becomes a conductor as a side effects of this happening light generation actually happens the reason for this put extremely simply is that when electrons are on the N side they actually have a higher energy level when they actually scoots over to the P side and fall into one of the holes they end up existing at a lower energy level that difference in energy needs to go somewhere and in fact it manifests itself as a packet of lights that is essentially how an LED works in extremely simplified terms now in conjunction with LEDs you may have heard of the term or LED and what that simply means is well organic LEDs the thing the material that's actually creating the elect in essence effect it's in fact organic in nature and I can refer to either some kind of molecule or some kind of long polymer what's special about LEDs is that well they can generate their own light and what this means is they can not only be used as a display you know something that you actually look at but that can also be used as a light source in fact the term LED panel can both refer to a screen or an actual light source itself and thanks to the versatility of LEDs well you can actually create light sources that you can manipulate LED lights can be manipulated to show different colors different intensities and if you were to actually hook them up to a micro controller you can even set them up to do some cool light shows let's move on to our last item for the day e paper now this one is very cool in a sense that it actually mimics the behavior of well just a sheet of paper most a paper technologies actually work with physical colored pigments and basically what happens is well there are some black and white pigments they're charged differently and basically in order to toggle the color of an individual pixel you apply an electric field on that pixel itself this causes the pigments to either move or reorient it based on your charges and as such change the color of the actual pixel itself what's really special about many ePaper implementations is that it requires zero power except when a state is being toggled the reason for this is well once a state is actually changed it is locked in you don't actually require any more power for it to stay in that state you can of course imagine that that is not true for many other you know different display technologies say LCD you have to constantly power a pixel of LCD so that you know the crystal actually stays untwisted another strong point of a paper is that it is highly readable under any lighting conditions the reason for this is because well in order to show intensity we're just using pigments which behave like well pigments on paper and that's it these are some of the more common display technologies that you expect to see these days this is of course not an exhaustive list each one of these technologies branch out a lot more and they have their own variants...

Machine Learning | How Machines Works Definition - Information Technology

Machine Learning  How Machines Works

Machine Learning How Machines Works
Artificial intelligence the wave of the future well it has applications so scary that includes things like you know software that can hold lots fickle conversations with you or even go so far as to read your mind the thing is AI is no longer science fiction both the examples one of the key components of artificial intelligence called machine learning and we're gonna try and realize together that it is not witchcraft at oh you're watching another random Wednesday episode on 0612 TV hello and welcome back to another random Wednesday episode now as mentioned artificial intelligence is quite a broad subject and all we're gonna look at today is just one feel of it and that would be machine learning now before we go into you know great depths of what machine learning actually is I think it's important to be able to compare it with traditional programming to you know just tell the difference between the two get two ways to solve computational problems in general traditionally the method we use to solve it is by actually writing an algorithm what you do things this way the operation is more or less rigid you have an input the input is processed in a consistent and well-defined manner and then you get an output so a known thing set of input will always produce the same set of output and in fact this is the law that governs basically the vast majority of the programs you're using you know this includes productivity applications like spreadsheets or document processors all the way to programs like games they're all written in the same manner a fixed set of input gives you a fixed set of output machine learning differs in a sense that the process
Machine Learning How Machines Works
part of the equation is actually modeled or shipped by the input and that is where the learning part happens the program itself is actually shaped by the input now this still sounds a lot like witchcraft so let's delve deeper and try to understand it better now consider this analogy you may have done this in school before but maybe you've done a set of experiments they have given you a set of data so what do you do is you take out a piece of graph paper and you plot these points on that graph paper naturally the next thing you want to do is to either interpolate between the results a chapel eat them or just fine you know the relation between these two variables what do you then do is you draw a line of best fit through all the points in fact with this line what you've generated is an expectation of you know what kind of Y values you'll get given a particular x value and in fact what you've done is you've generated a function you know it's kind of like a program because it takes an input and produces an output and you've actually defined this function entirely based on a set of data at the simplest this is what machine learning does and proper name for this is called regression of course many other techniques exist but I think this is a good example to show you how you can actually generate a program just based on a set of input data so the answer is machine learning is in witchcraft it is simply a statistical method and just the proof is not witchcraft what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to show you an example running on my very own computer I'm going to teach my computer to recognize the difference between a circle and a square that is hand-drawn now for the sake of simplicity we are going to very much limit the scope of this experiment the input data are these 100 by 100 pixel images that are entirely black and white these pictures consist of a white background as well as a shape and black so what are you seeing here are these 16 training examples we're gonna be using now I can't just take all these pictures show them to a machine learning algorithm and say here do your stuff that would be witchcraft instead what we need to do is we need to extract what are known as feature vectors these are the things that will be fit into this statistical model and that is basically what the algorithm will use to learn about the input data to achieve this I've written a little utility in Python and the whole idea is we want to look up for two things first we want to look at all the horizontal lines in an image that are not completely empty and what we want to do is we want to see how many pixels are being colored black the idea is this for a circle you'll expect this number to start off slow increase slowly to a maximum and then decrease again that is of course because of the shape of the circle from ask where you'd expect this value to start off large and stay at a more or less constant number throughout the entire duration and then jump back to zero almost immediately so all I'll do is we'll find the average length the average width of black pixels and we'll try to see how much the other lines differ from this average theoretically if we have a circle the variance will be large whereas if we have a square the variance will be very little this will be our first of two feature vectors our second one can pass the biggest difference between two consecutive lines
Machine Learning How Machines Works
theoretically this value will be small for a circle and large for a square so we have a to feature vectors that are generated for every image now that we have that ready we can feed that into a mesh learning algorithm and hopefully it sees the pattern that we expected to see what I'm using here is a free open source program called orange it basically gives you a note based interface in which you can very nicely push data around and into machine learning algorithms so here's a plan we take the 16 samples we have run it through my algorithm to generate the feature vectors and then feed them into orange we run the data through a test learnist note and I have just one algorithm hooked up to it right now what we're doing here is called cross-validation the idea is this I have 16 pieces of data right now that are known in other words i have included both the values as well as you know its classification what cross-validation does is it uses some of the data to train the algorithm any remaining ones to test it to see if the training was successful it does this a certain number of times currently I have it set to fivefold cross-validation so it does this five times with five different partitions when this is done we can actually look at the results in terms of a confusion matrix what the speed tricks does is it shows you how many of the instances will correctly classified and how many were wrongly classified in this case we have a perfect score what we're going to do now is we're going to add a few more algorithms so all these are different machine learning techniques that we're just going to pit against each other using the same set of input data and we'll see how they all fit and maybe because my feature vectors were really effective or my input data is really simple most of the algorithms actually don't have much trouble in the worst case they misclassify one piece of the input and then is considered you know pretty good performance they're different ways to test you know how well a classification has went we've already seen cross-validation or we can also do is we can bring in a new set of data in fact what I have here are eight more samples that are different from the training data so what i can do is i can introduce that you know to the entire setup and basically test them on the new set of data as you can see the algorithms fed pretty well with the exception of the majority algorithm most of the others are able to identify the new items without any problems try some other different sets of data I've publicly meet these more challenging so that's a higher likelihood of thanks messing up for example this set of data has all these shapes of center or drawn in a very sloppy manner almost algorithms that pretty well fesem speak confusion with one particular square in fact if we were to look at its feature vectors you realize that they look a lot like that of a circle obviously the algorithms going to get confused let's try again with a little noise what I've done is I've sprinkled random black and white pixels throughout the image and not surprisingly at all all the algorithms have actually failed in this case it is not the fault of the algorithms at all instead you realize that my future factors were completely confused thanks to the noise so in this particular case the issue lies with my feature vector generation and there have it that is machine learning in a nutshell we've tried to understand the concept behind how machine learning works we've then gone on to look at an extended example of me putting machine learning through its paces we've seen that given favorable conditions machine learning can do really well at classifying samples and probably most importantly of all with lund that it is not witchcraft it's just meant that...

Classes of Computers Definition - Information Technology

Classes of Computers

Classes of Computers
What we often talk about topics in computing or about computers in general we don't ask ourselves a fundamental question which is what is a computer I mean sure we see these devices around us but have you ever wondered whether there are different types of computers out there in fact as it turns out whatever device there's a very high chance you are actually using what can be classified as a microcomputer these aren't terms that we hear very often in day-to-day speech but in fact computers can be classified into four distinct classes in this episode we're gonna look some what into history and try to understand these classifications of computers you're watching another random they have four classes of computers supercomputers mainframe computers meaning computers and microcomputers these are terms that you don't hear very often sometimes you do it movies but what we're gonna do is we're gonna break down each one of these categories and try to understand what's going on with each but even before we do that first of all what is a computer as it turns out there are certain characteristics you can look out for that tells you what exactly is a computer first of all we can characterize computers by their behavior a computer is able to actually run programs and what this means is it's able to look at what is essentially a list of instructions and then execute them one by one it of course needs to be able to do so in a well-defined and predictable manner and what this means is every time your computer sees a particular instruction it has to react in a certain way and not in some random unpredictable manner a computer should be able to respond to user input by producing some kind of put and in most cases computer should be able to read from and write to storage in terms of its common components a computer should have a CPU and when I'm talking about CPU I'm talking
about that component on the motherboard not the common misuse of the term I mean I've heard of that term being used to refer to you know the entire chances of the unit and that's not entirely correct
Classes of Computers
The CPU is a component in a computer that basically processes instructions as well as performs calculations a computer has memory also known as RAM memory is used to basically temporarily store the running state of applications it can be accessed very quickly and that's why basically program states as well as operating system Steve has thought that however it doesn't actually hold the data in the long term once it loses power the data is lost as well and that is why on top of Ram a computer also needs to have storage Sarich can of course be a very wide variety of things like had this SSDs all the way down to all the things like for me this so these are some of the common components and characteristics of a computer having said that let us now move on to look at the four classes of computers first and foremost a supercomputer you've probably heard of this you know it movies on TV it's always this scary roomful of machines and supposed to be doing something like taking over the world well super computers do actually exist in real life though chances are they use force like me less than Esther purpose in fact what makes a super computer super is in its high processing capacity it's supposed to be able to handle large amounts of information do large amounts of processing in a short period of time while in the past super computers are specially engineered pieces of equipment you know they have their own custom-made process up what is more common these days is to simply put together a large number of off-the-shelf processors so that is an interesting point note in fact your supercomputers aren't really that special there a whole lot of processes put together in fact fastest supercomputer in a world right now puts together 32,000 Intel Xeon processors which are in fact processors that are available off-the-shelf this large amount of computational power is normally used to run simulations no things like testing stress or aerodynamics of a product or running things like traffic simulations all these operations are very calculation intensive which is why it makes sense to use something with a lot of computational power to actually run this and that is a supercomputer let's now move one size down to take a look at a mainframe computer well the emphasis of a supercomputer is in its high processing power a mainframe computer has slightly different requirements a mainframe needs to be the backbone of a large organizations tech capacity and as you would expect its focus is on things like high reliability as well as the ability to serve a large number of users at the same time mainframe computers are usually large expensive cabinets and as mentioned its emphasis is on being reliable it achieves this through several methods and one of them is through redundancy one very good example of redundancy is what is known as read which stands for redundant array of independent disks basically the idea is this when you have multiple drives you can actually write the same data into multiple drives and this creates duplicates or in other words redundant copies of the same data this converts several advantages first and foremost of course if one of the drives fail you don't lose your data because there is another copy raid may also help speed up reads for example if multiple people were requesting you know different paths same data different disk can service those different requests instead of having all requests go to the same this so there is a speed-up in that regard as well so basically this is mostly an example to
Classes of Computers definition
show you how a redundancy is useful when it comes to reliability and that is a mainframe computer let us move one size down again to a mini computer despite the name mini computers and of that small basically you can think of a mini computer as a smaller you know a scaled-down and cheaper version of a mainframe computer and even if it doesn't have you know the same amount of processing power its purpose remains generally the same and that is to serve multiple users and to perform multiple tasks at the same time this is one of the classes that is starting to have many blurred lines in a sense set a larger mini computer may not be easily distinguishable from a smaller mainframe of course by a similar vein very powerful microcomputers may be comparable to smaller scale mini computers so it is a class that is so in between that it's starting to get a little bit less used but of course the idea is still there the whole point of a mini computer is to be basically a smaller mainframe and in terms of responsibilities they are the same so now let's move on to a micro computer which is of course what we are the most familiar with the key distinguishing feature of a micro computer and these when define you know in academic texts is the fact that let's design to serve just one user at a time obviously that's not entirely true I mean you can of course set up say a web server or game server on your computer and technically your home computer is serving more than one user but of course the definition works in a general case most of the time your personal computer is just for one user of course other characterizing features of a micro computer of course it's smaller size and its lower cost at least you know in comparison to the other classes in fact if you want to be even more precise a micro computer can be further broken down into two classes which are workstations and personal computers the general gist of the idea for these two classifications is workstations are supposed to be more powerful they are used in a workplace for commercial purposes whereas personal pootis normally shortened to pcs exist at home and I use for entertainment and lighter tasks and there you go these are the classes of computers so well if these terms come up most of the time in a movie you know the difference as mentioned much of these terms aren't really used that much in our day to day speech in fact even as a computer science students these terms will never formally define to us at least...

What is Search Algorithm Definition - Information Technology

What is Search Algorithm Definition

What is Search Algorithm Definition
Searching is a pretty big deal I mean it's something that we need to do really often and it kind of needs happen really quickly last time we looked at an Olaf and solution to searching of corset is subject to having a list that it's already sorted but question is can we do better you're watching episode 3 of search algorithms hashing hello and welcome back to search algorithms so our challenge today is can we perform searching in oh one yep we're actually gonna attempt to search in constant sign disclaimer I'm actually talking about the average case time complexity here but it is indeed possible to do that we're gonna have to perform what is known as hashing so what is a hash and how does it work well this is actually pretty innovative so let's actually jump straight into seeing how we actually do things with the hash table the idea is this what we have here is a hash table essentially it is just a blank array like you normally would have except we know its size and we initialize it to a pretty significant size so let's say I want to insert a new item into this hash table I don't simply insert the new item at the top instead what I'm gonna have to do is I'm gonna have to take my new piece of data and actually put it through what is called a hash function simply put what the hash function does is it takes the incoming data and does some mathematical calculations to that the hash function produces a number this number is in fact the position in which were supposed to insert the new item so what we're going to do to make things clearer is instead of working with numbers like we did in the past two episodes what I'm going to do is I'm gonna actually attempt to search through letters instead so single letters from A to Z the hash function I'm going to use in this example is a very simple one a being the first letter is going to be 1 and B is going to be 2 and so on until Z which is 26 recall that a hash function works by returning a position that is where you should insert the new item so you see let's say I wanted insert C into the list what's going to happen is the hash function is going to tell me treat seeing us at C is the third alphabet it's going to get me free and what I'm going to do is I'm going to put it into the foot position in the hash table so this is exactly what the hash table looks like say I want to insert the letter e right now well I just give that to hash function and that goes into position five now in the series what we are primarily concerned with is searching so that's now attempt to search this hash table let's say now I wanted to find out whereabouts e is in debt array instead of actually searching through the array or actually attempting some sort and binary search
What is Search Algorithm Definition
what I can do is I can simply tell the hash function hey where is the position e the hash function will tell me five I'm going to go to the fifth position in hash table and then go that's a right then now how about a situation whereby we actually search for something that doesn't exist I'm gonna tell the hash function hey where's the position of B and it's gonna tell me oh it's that position - I'm gonna go to position two of the hash table and realize it's empty as a result I can be sure that B isn't actually in the list and as a result our returned are not found that's all well and good that's really simple right well in reality hash tables are a little bit more complicated than this now since you're working with simplified examples what I'm doing here is just using you know a very simplistic kind of hash function it's gonna be extremely impractical everyday things like this in you know practical situations but just bear with me I'm doing this for the purposes of demonstration so right now my input can be strings of any length however my hash function stays the same it's just gonna look at the first letter of whatever that's coming in and it's gonna you know just give you the position based on that first letter now watch what happens let's say now I insert the word cat it looks at the first letter that is C and tells me hey it's going to go to position tree now let's say I want to insert the word camera where does that go the hash function also tells you to bring that deposition tree my position tree is already occupied this is called a hash collision broadly speaking a hash collision happens when hash function points a new item to a slot that is already occupied so how do we deal with this one hash collision happens what we're going to have to do is we're going to have to invoke a completely different set of logic to find a new position for this item now handling hash collisions is an art in and of itself so what I'm going to do is I'm only going to cover one very basic method of attempting to resolve a hash collision
this is a best method but just for the purposes of demonstration in this episode we're just going to stick with that so what I'm going to do in this particular case is every time there is a hash collision I'm just going to keep going down in hash table until I find an empty slot so if we have cat in this position and I want to insert camera which is mapped to the same position what I'm going to do is I'm going to move down position fall is empty so I'm going to insert the word camera then alright that's a problem solved but wait that just creates another problem if I'm inside the wet dock right now it's going to try to go to position four and it's going to say hey that's a camera in that place so it's going to have to move down and it's going to occupy slot number five which is identity is the slot for any word starting with the letter e but once again I don't go too deep into the specifics behind actual hashing I'm more interested in this searching aspect so now what happens if I want to search for camera I'm going to go to the hash function hash function it's going to tell me position three I'm going to go to position three and say well that doesn't look like a camera but this is not enough to tell me that what camera is not phone what we're gonna have to do is we're going to have to apply the same logic as set of hash collision we're gonna have to keep going down to see if perhaps during insertion collisions have a cut to make it you know difficult to find I move down by one slot and I realize hey that's where it is what happens when you search for an item that is missing let's try to search for conflicts the hash function points you in a position free and you say nope that is not what I'm looking for you try to go down the position for that's not what I'm looking for either you go around position five nope that's on it you go down to position six and you say hey that's an empty slot only then can you conclude that the item it's not found all right so now that we've looked at an example let us now come back and try to consolidate what we've seen so far firstly yes searching with a hash table can be very first depending on a plethora of different factors like how well the hash function is written what size
What is Search Algorithm Definition
is the hash table and what kind of input data do you normally get in the average case when you try to search for something it should be found very quickly however if conditions aren't favorable what's going to happen is things can start getting slow when there are a lot of collisions and you have to keep doing collision detection logic what's going to happen is every time you perform as such you're gonna have to go through multiple elements in the table before we can come to your conclusion in fact the worst case comes about when the entire table is filled when you perform a search in the worst case what's gonna happen is well it's just gonna go through everything in the entire table what this means is unfortunately the worst case time complexity for hash algorithm is all N how the fingers crossed this doesn't happen very often and as a result I want to emphasize that hashing has the average case time complexity of or one that is constant time now do bear in mind that the or one time complexity doesn't mean that I can find things in one step it just means that I can find something in a constant number of steps that is number of steps not bound or determined by the number of items in the list so despite its shortcomings hashing is actually used very often many practical implementations of hashing actually allow for say a hash table to expand when needed hash functions can also be dynamically generated - actually you know what best for the input data that's there and what happens is you get optimal performance hashing is also a great way of mapping one data type to another but that is not a feature that we are really going to discuss in depth today and that is it that is pretty much all I have for this particular episode as well as this entire series I know I've only covered three different types of search algorithms and most of them have pretty serious shortcomings but hey that's how it is now if we want to perform even more different types of complicated searches we might have to look at more complicated structures like you know graphs things like that which I'm not very comfortable with covering yet so as a result if that happens there'll be a thing for the future hopefully what I've covered so far is at least a primer for you to understand some of the more basic ways of performing searches...

Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements Definition - Information Technology

Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements Definition

Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements
The measuring instruments they are defined as the instruments or the device which is used for the measurement for example the rulers the rulers are used for measuring the length so ruler is a type of measuring instrument another example is like thermometer we use the thermometer to measure the temperature so thermometer it is a type of measuring instrument another examples are like weighing machine stop watches in the case of engineering if we take the measuring instruments are like the emitter which is you so measuring the current the voltmeter which is used for measuring the voltage so measuring instruments they are the devices which are used for the measurement of the unknown quantity like temperature pressure level displacement voltage current okay

Definition of measuring instrument is device which is used for measuring the unknown quantity not the various type of measuring instruments they are classified into different categories and these categories or the basis of this classification will be like whether they are using what type of method of measurement these instruments are using and whether these instruments are manually operated or they are self operated or automatic instruments what type of parties instruments are using okay so these instruments they are classified into different categories and we are going to study about the classification of measuring instruments so let us start with it we are having the first classification of measuring instruments is absolute and secondary instruments so this type of classification of measuring instrument into absolute in secondary instrument it is on the basis that what method they are using like an absolute instrument the result of the measurement or the unknown quantity it is measured in terms of the constants of the instrument okay we are not getting directly reading the unknown quantity or directly reading the values of the unknown quantity we are measuring it in terms of the constants of the instrument whereas in secondary instrument we will directly measure the value of the unknown quantity so just write the thing the definition of these absolute and secondary instruments you so absolute instruments they give the value of the measured measured is the unknown quantity which we want to measure in terms of the instrument constant and its deflection whereas the secondary instrument they give the magnitude of the unknown quantity to be measured directly directly they will provide us the value now if we talk about the example of the absolute instrument the tangent galvanometer it is a type of absolute instrument because this tangent galvanometer it provides the value of the unknown quantity in terms of its constants like it will indicate the value you so here the tangent galvanometer it is measuring the current and this galvanometer it is not directly giving us the value of the current it will give its value in terms of the tangent of the angle of the deflection produced the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field the radius and the number of turns of the wire so it is measuring the current but it is providing the value indirectly so this is a type of absolute instrument another example is the release release current balance so this release current balance it indicates the value of the current in terms of the release constant so these are the example of absolute instruments where the value of the measured it is in terms of the instrument constant and it's deflection example of secondary instruments are like we are measuring the current with the help of an ammeter so I'm Peter it will directly indicate the value of the current it is giving directly the value of the current to us by the pointer deflection over the scale so we can directly read the value of the current from the instrument so it is a type of secondary instruments now the secondary instruments they are also further classified into three categories these three categories are indicating integrating and recording instruments so secondary instruments they are classified into indicating integrating and recording instruments in the indicating instruments we have a pointer and this pointer is deflected over a calibrated scale so the value of the measuring it will be indicated by the pointer deflection okay so in the indicating instruments indicate the magnitude so
Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements
the indicating instruments they indicate the magnitude of the unknown quantity when it is being measured at the time of measurement and the value is directly indicated on the steel and here it uses a pointer that moves over a calibrated scale so these types of instruments are called the indicating instruments like in the meter in voltmeter in the meter watt meter all these instruments they have a pointer and this pointer is deflected over the scale on the scale we have the divisions so these divisions we can directly need the value from the scale so at the type of measurement like suppose we are connecting a conductor with the ammeter we want to measure the current across the conductor so we are directly getting the value of the current through the scale next in the integrating instrument we measure the value over a period like the over a period we are measuring the value of the unknown quantity and those values they will be summed up and then we will take the average value so integration is done over a period of time or the area is calculated that is when the instruments are called the integrating instrument you so integrating instruments they measure the total amount of either the quantity of electricity provided over a period of time or the amount of electrical energy supplied over a period of time so over a period of time like suppose for one hour or two hours we are measuring that how much electricity is supplied to the instrument so we are calculating the total amount ere we are integrating the total amount or the total area under the curve when we are measuring integration they are doing so those types of instruments are all the integrating instruments like the instruments which measure the power like energy meters and the ampere are meters so they measure the amount of current which is supplied over one on or we measure the amount of electricity supplied over one R so these instruments are all the integrating instruments the third classification of the third type is the recording instruments in which we record the value of the unknown quantity over a paper and then because this type of recording is done because we want to analyze the value of the unknown quantity like if any variation is coming out in the value so reporting is done of the measurement like we use a pen and then this pin is connected with the measuring value so this pin will move over a paper and continuously we are recording the values of the unknown quantity you so the recording instruments they keep a continuous record of the variations in the magnitude of the unknown quantity like for example we have the recording instruments like the recording voltmeter we are having or the the instruments in which the paper is used on which a continuous record is taken okay so the first classification is the absolute and the secondary instruments secondary instruments further classified into indicating integrating and recording now next classification of measuring instruments is on the basis of the signal used by them like analog and digital instruments so if the output of the instrument it is an analog signal in the analog form so that will be an analog instrument and if the output of the instrument it is in digital form so the instrument is called a digital instrument you so if the output of the instrument it is in the analog form so that will be called an analog instrument and output means analog signal is a signal in which the values of the quantity it is continuously varying with the time so in if the signal is provided in a continuous fashion like if we draw a signal this is the time and this is the amplitude of the signal so in this type of signal will be called an analog signal here the value of the signal is varying at every instant of time so if this type of output is provided by the instrument that will be called analog instrument whereas digital instruments they give a digital output means the output will be in the form of discrete steps if we draw or digital signal this will be the amplitude again here we will have the time so suppose at this instant its value is this at this instant its value is this so if in this way the signal is changing that will be called a digital signal that means in the form of discrete steps we are having so this it depends upon the type of output given by the instrument if it's an analog output that will be an analog instrument if it is a digital output then we have the digital instruments example of analog instruments are like analog ammeter analog voltmeter in which we are having the instrument here we will have the pointer and this pointer is deflected over the skin okay so these are the type of analog instruments in digital instrument like digital multimeter we get the diary reading over the LCD like suppose if we are measuring the current so we will directly get the value one ampere on the LED on this screen of the digital multimeter so these types of instruments are digital instruments next classification of instrument is based upon the process like if it involves a mechanical process then they are called mechanical instrument electrical instruments and electronic instruments you now in the instrument we get the value of the unknown quantity with the help of a pointer now when this pointer it will be deflected due to some mechanical process the instruments are all mechanical instruments if the pointer is deflected due to some electrical process those instruments will be called electrical instruments and the instruments in which the pointer is deflected due to some electronic mechanism
Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements
then those instruments are called electronic instruments like for example mechanical instruments like if we have two galvanometer in the galvanometer the pointer is deflected due to the movement of the coil this coil is placed in the magnetic field of a magnet and you do that magnetic field when the magnetic field it changes from strong to weak the pointer will be deflected and the coil is rotated so due to the rotation of the coil the pointer is deflected over a scale so that is a type of mechanical instruments so we can say that in mechanical instruments you the pointer is deflected due to some mechanical process now these mechanical instruments they are somewhat heavy because mechanical parts are involved in them and because these mechanical parts they are very heavy and friction is caused between these first so these instruments they are very slow in process so the pointer is deflected very slowly and the value or the readings we can take from the instrument that a deflection is very slow so they are slow in their working now electrical signals here you do some electrical process if the pointer is deflected then those instruments are all the electrical instruments so when a pointer is deflected you do some electrical activity like when we are measuring the current through the ammeter so due to the current flowing through the ammeter the pointer is deflected okay so these types of instruments are all the electrical instruments amita of voltmeter the ohmmeter all these are electrical instruments in the electronic instruments dude they are the semiconductor devices in which we have the electrons are involved so due to the movement of electrons the pointer is moved over a scale okay due to movement it Tron's the pointer is deflected so you some semiconductor activity is involved that is why these are known as electronic instruments example is like the CRO that is the cathode ray oscilloscope in the cathode ray oscilloscope we have the electrons these electrons are excited and they are placed in between a cathode and anode and due to which a magnetic field is present and due to the magnetic field due to the presence of the magnetic field the electrons are deflected so due to the movements of electrons we have a pointer which moves on the cathode ray oscilloscope screen and on that screen the pointer moves over the skin so the movement of pointer is caused due to the movement of electrons due to the presence of electrons so electronic instruments example is CRO for mechanical instruments we were having the example of galvanometer and electrical instruments we are having the example of ammeter and voltmeters so this is a type of classification of instruments based on the activity involved which is causing the deflection of the pointer over the calibrated scale the next classification of instruments is manual and automatic instruments you so as the name suggests and manual instruments those instruments which are manually operated means we need an observer and that observer is going to keep a record of the readings of the instrument so here always an observer is required to measure the values whereas automatic instruments they do not need the presence of an observer they will directly give us the value the value will be indicated by the instrument okay so manual operated instruments so manual instrument if we talk about its example the example is a resistance thermometer incorporating a wheatstonebridge so in this mechanism resistance thermometer we are measuring the resistance by using the temperature okay so resistance thermometer we need an observer to keep a record of the temperature readings that observer is going to keep is going to make a table for the temperature measurement and then the resistance will be measured okay so manual instruments they are so manual instruments they always need the service of an operator whereas automatic instruments they do not require the service of an operator example of this is a glass tube thermometer in the glass tube thermometer no operator is required the mercury will be deflected and through the deflection or the level of the mercury mercury we can directly read the value of the temperature so this is the classification based upon the presence of the operator is whether it is required or not required next classification of instrument is based upon the power used by the instrument whether the instruments they are self operated or they are power operated you so in self-operated instruments no outside power is required for the operation of the instrument for example the dial type indicating instrument in these instruments we directly connect the instrument in the socket and the instrument it will not require any type of power it will directly indicate the value of the measurement so here in self operated instrument no outside power is required for the operation of the instrument there as in power operated instruments the some type of external power is required for the operation like electricity's pro used and also some compressed air or hydraulic air supply is also required so there are some external part is required for the operation of the instrument that is why they are called power operated instrument example of such instruments are the electromechanical instruments in the electromechanical instruments electricity is provided and you do that electricity the magnetic field is generated and due to that magnetic field the pointer is deflected so here some external part is provided so that the instrument can work okay so that is why it is called power operated instrument some external power is required whereas dial type indicating instruments in that you can see that when we connect those instrument in the circuit no power is required we can it can directly give us the value of the unknown quantity like when we are measuring voltage what we do we connect the voltage in parallel with the conductor across the conductor and it will give us the value of the voltage okay so it is not using any type of part that is what is called self operated instruments now next classification of instrument is based upon the type of method they are using for the measurement like if they are using the deflection method and the null method in the deflection method we will have a pointer in the instruments and that pointer will indicate the value of the measuring quantity whereas the null methods we have null value okay we are going to make a value nullified so that like in the bridge is reused in the wheatstonebridge we are measuring the resistance by making the value across the galvanometer as zero so when the galvanometer indicates null deflection then we can measure the we can say that the bridge is balanced and we can measure the unknown resistance so next classification is deflection and null output instruments you so the next type is the null output
Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements
instruments so I now put instruments you in these instruments are zero or the null indication it will lead to the determination of the magnitude of the unknown quantity let's take example of these two types the deflection instruments examples are the PM MC instruments that is permanent magnet moving coil instruments okay permanent magnet instruments in these instruments a coil is present in between a magnet electricity is provided and due to that electrical field a magnetic field is generated due to the magnet and the coil in between the magnet it is magnetized okay so due to the movement of the coil the pointer which is connected to the coil that is deflected over the calibrated scale so the value of the unknown quantity it is measured due to the mechanical movement and that mechanical movement of the pointer is caused due to the activity offer due to the movement of the hole so example of deflection instrument is TM MC instrument that is permanent magnet moving coil instruments okay so here we will have a coil and this coil is placed between the magnet north and the south poles of the magnet and to the coil a pointer is connected okay so when this coil moves between this magnetic field pointer is deflected over the scale so we can read the value of the current by the reading the values on the skin so your deflection of the instrument indicates the measurement of the unknown quantity whereas in the null output instruments like an example of the DC potential made up in that DC potentiometer what we do we have the slidewire potentiometer in which we move the key or knob over the slidewire and when the galvanometer the / it shows zero deflection it means that the resistance or the EMF of the standard cell and the unknown EMF they are equal to each other so we are measuring the EMF by checking the null condition of the galvanometer also in the case of beat stone bridge in the Wheatstone bridge also we measure the resistance and this resistance is measured when the bridge is balanced and balanced condition occurs when the galvanometer it shows zero or or not deflection so zero and null indication it leads to the determination of the magnitude of the unknown quantity so example is now being stone bridge and the DC slide by a potentiometer okay so this was the classification of the instruments if we draw a flowchart for the classification of instruments it will be like measuring instruments first classification be studied was absolute and secondary instruments secondary instruments they were further classified into indicating integrating and recording next classification be studied was analog and digital next we studied the classification mechanical electrical and electronic next classification we studied was manual and automatic next we studied self operated and are operated and in the last we studied the classification deflection and neural operated instruments so this is how the measuring instruments they are classified this is the flowchart for it okay different classifications are they're based on different criterias okay so in this article we studied the classification of the measuring instruments we studied the different categories of measuring instruments so I hope that this topic is clear to you....

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