Rechargeable Battery, What is Rechargeable Battery
base batteries a lighter charge faster and most importantly a fall easier to use and that is why we can actually debunk some of these sort of old myths that still surround batteries today let's take a look at some of these starting from number one we should keep batteries fully charged all the time now I admit this isn't so much of a myth as just something we feel like yo is something we should do you know it makes sense to have a battery as full as possible but as it turns out batteries actually deteriorate the fastest when they're fully charged in an ideal case you actually want to star batteries at around half charge or so because that is what has been shown to actually maximize the life span of the battery you also want to avoid actually starring a battery app you know completely depleted charges because well for lithium batteries if you do actually let it run all the way down well that's it you can't actually recover it you can actually recharge it back luckily a lot of the times when our electronic devices actually shut off for low battery that doesn't mean the battery is completely depleted there is still a little bit of juice left so you don't have to worry about the battery being dead from that point on but of course you should
Actually charge it as soon as you can so that it doesn't actually fall into that state of permanent damage misconception number 2 we should drain batteries fully before I usually recharging them now this particular myth comes directly from the nickel battery days you see nickel batteries actually face that issue called the memory effects the memory effects is a phenomena in which if you actually discharge the battery to you know some kind of consistent but not complete this charge what's going to happen is the remaining amount of trash in a battery sort of disappears your battery sort of remembers where it was last discharged to and that sort of becomes the new capacity of the battery this does not happen to live your batteries and in fact in many cases for nickel batteries what some may consider the memory effect isn't really permanent either for lithium batteries of today you do not have to and in fact should not be completely discharging the battery before charging it back up the reason for this is vikas well this is called a deep cycle and deep cycles actually tend to hurt the battery more than if you sort of let it deplete a little and topped it back up this sort of goes back to our previous point where you know we talked about keeping a battery at about half charge well this is sort of doing the see you want it around half charge and topping it back up and that works the best for your battery in the long run there is only one disadvantage to this method and that is the possibility of you know confusing the calibration of the battery in a long run calibration is the process that you know a device actually needs to do to find out how much juice is actually left in your battery fully this Jing and then recharging your battery sort of shows your device wet is zero and one hundred percent points up and that will allow it to figure out you know where all the in between points will like if you shallow discharge a battery enough times the previous calibration might get thrown off which is why one possible thing you could do is you could do a deep discharge of your battery save once a month doing it more often than that really does more harm than good so don't bother all right let's move on to misconception number three and that is when you actually buy a device its first charge should happen over a long time this is another one of those myths that have carried over from the nickel battery type in this day and age with lithium batteries this is no longer a must in fact a lot of the time you'll find that you know when you buy a new device if it has to live your battery it's probably about fifty percent full and as we now know that is the
optimal way to actually you know leave a battery in storage for new devices you can in fact start using it right away though of course if you do want to give it a full charge you may do so but the moment you've reached full charge well that's good enough you don't actually have to leave it on the charger for more time because that's not actually helping anything the only drawback you have to look out for is of course the issue of keeping a battery fully charged misconception number four batteries should not be left on a charger for long periods because that will over charge the battery now this is actually one of those that are kind of on the line well not the overcharging part because overcharging is no longer an issue with lithium batteries in fact even in a nickel battery days this wasn't so huge of an issue you see unless all the charger does is it takes power and just tries to feed it to the battery constantly there is really no risk of overcharging a battery more charges nowadays actually know when to you know shut off the charging when the battery is full and as a result overcharging isn't an issue however you may still want to take note of leaving your battery in the charger for an extended period of time for one battery charges especially if they are actually connected to a device that is in use well they tend to generate quite a bit of heat heat doesn't play well with batteries that causes them to deteriorate faster and that is why if you say have a laptop that you're using with the power in all the time what some people do is they take out the battery by keeping it away from the heat and of course from the constant charging up to a hundred percent you can actually extend its life by a little
These are the two issues you want to look out for now some laptops actually have some built-in capability to prevent this from happening what it does is it allows the battery to charge all the way up to one hundred percent and basically doesn't top up the charge until it falls below say sixty percent this is great because of course these are shallow discharges as we know that's good for a battery so yeah if you have that capability built into your computer take advantage of it it's not too hard to do it yourself when your battery actually hits one hundred percent take it off the charger and don't plug it back in until it's fallen to about half capacity misconception number five always use the charges produced by the manufacturer of your product No yes you many sauces actually say this is completely untrue but I do believe it is slightly modern once than that kisses you generally it is untrue for a very simple reason that this is just a marketing thing to lock you into the ecosystem now in some cases some manufacturers do actually lock you in by actually giving you some proprietary charger or sub proprietary cable in such cases manufacturers may introduce some kind of electronics into either the charger or the cable itself preventing you from actually using something produced by a third party of course that sucks if your manufacturer has done that to you then unfortunately you have no choice however in other cases there is one other consideration you need to make buying a third PI charger is ok but buying a cheap knockoff charger is not and that is for a safety reason cheap no brand charges may be produced in places where you know safety guidelines are not being observed and that of course makes it dangerous for you as the end user to actually be using it if you want to buy a third-party charger that's completely okay but look for a reputable brand new look for one that has you know sufficient reviews and yeah stay safe basically that's it that's all the risk...
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